Category: Features

What is a hosted desktop?

A hosted desktop uses cloud technology to provide you with the ability to access your desktop at any time, from any location, on any device that has an Internet connection. A hosted desktop is a virtual desktop. Instead of your profile, data and applications being connected to your PC, they are stored in a secure data centre.

What is Cloud Hosting?

The term "Cloud" is used by every hosting provider. But really, what is Cloud Hosting? Generally, to be a "True Cloud" the following attributes must be found in the hosting architecture of the Cloud provider. If any of these aspects are missing, you will not benefit from all of the Cloud hosting advantages.

192 Cloud Computing

  • Rapid Elasticity - Our Create-A-Cloud tool allows you to adjust resources immediately to meet demand
  • Resource Pooling - Load Balancing features allow you to maximize resource usage and achieve High Availability
  • Tools & Automation - Customer Portal and Control Panels allow you to manage all aspects of your service
  • Self Healing - True Cloud platform automatically recovers from hardware failures
  • Resource Visibilty - Tools and full access control allows you to see your resource usage
  • On Demand Self Service - Your orders and any adjustments to your service are 100% automated, with no need to wait for eApps staff

Cloud Hosting Advantages - Freedom, Power, Scalability, Reliability

The eApps cloud environment gives you the freedom and power to construct the optimal set of computing resources to meet your unique needs. Resources can be scaled vertically or horizontally (load balancing) to meet demand. Our "True Cloud" service employs advanced Cloud technology for high speed shared data storage and server management as a pool of computing power. This approach allows for a much higher degree of up-time and performance than the conventional single server computing paradigm.

The bottom line benefits to you are these: rapid deployment of computing resources, high performance, and service reliability. The eApps Cloud technology means speedperformance, and reliability. These are the cloud hosting advantages you receive in the eApps Virtual Cloud Server.

Our Sales department is here to answer the question or any questions you have, and assist you in getting started. Our Create-A-Cloudtool and Control Panel allow you to use the service immediately. Our Technical Support department is standing by 24/7 to assist you. We are here to ensure that you receive the Cloud hosting advantages that you deserve! Click on the Live Chat icon to the right for assistance.

How to Clear Your Browser's Cache

16 Methods:Chrome v10+Chrome v1 - v9Safari for iOS, iPhone and iPadSafari for Mac OS XSafari for WindowsInternet Explorer 9, 10, and 11Internet Explorer 8Internet Explorer 7Firefox 4Firefox 30+Firefox 33AndroidOperaMozilla SeaMonkeyKonquerorBlackBerry 6.0

browser cache

Your internet browser's cache stores certain information (snapshots) of webpages you visit on your computer or mobile device so that they'll load more quickly upon future visits and while navigating through websites that use the same images on multiple pages so that you do not download the same image multiple times. Occasionally, however your cache can prevent you from seeing updated content, or cause functional problems when stored content conflicts with live content. You can fix many browser problems simply by clearing your cache. This article contains instructions with screenshots on how to clear the cache for all major browsers.